Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today was a very busy day for me. This morning I had mom's club calendar planning (which lasted 2 hours with moms talking lol). I came home and the kids took a nap. After nap we met up with a friend for dinner and to head to the mall. I rewarded myself for starting to cleaning the house with a book (also part of the new me, I don't usually read). The book is MommyWood by Tori Spelling, it seems like an easy read.

The weight improvement that I have done is:
  • I gave away all the soda I had in the house (2 24 packs of Coca Cola and 1 24 pack of sprite)
    ----no soda, no I have been drinking water.
  • I walked the mall----does that count lol.

So now I'm off to make my bed, finish cleaning my room, take a shower and read the book.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Wow, we have too much stuff!!!!!

Last night after blogging i decided to go through my youngest daughter's clothes. I had so much stuff that either did not fit her any longer or clothes that I would never put her in. I had cleaned out 2 garbage bags full of clothes and that was just for my almost 2 year old. I really need to do the other two kid's drawers.

Today I cleaned the kitchen with the exception of the top of the cabinets and refrig, maybe that is what I will do tomorrow.

The chore charts are working wonderfully. I have never seen the kids so excited about cleaning. I took the charts and put them on the their bedroom door. After each kid completes a chore they run to the door so I can check it off. It actually makes me feel really good that they are so excited and that I see the joy in their face that they accomplished something. Why did I not think of this sooner? Hopefully their excitement will last. As a reward for them working so hard today I am taking them to the movies in the morning. I have stuff to do, have the car inspected and tires rotated in the area of the movie theater.

I have not made any improvements on my weight yet.

I am super excited about our upcoming family vacation to Disney World. We have 12 days till we leave. This will be the first time my husband and the kids have ever been to Disney.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Today I realized two things that I need to change in my life, my weight and my house. My weight is crazy, I am the heaviest I have ever been. I need to work on keeping the house more organized.

To help me successfully change these two things I have come up with a plan.
  1. Made and printed a chore list for each of my family members.
  2. Made a monthly food menu, this will help me cut down on eating out.
  3. Made this blog to keep me accountable.
I am starting small and will add things gradually to this blog to show the changes that I NEED to happen in my life. I will post daily and add my stats and pic so everyone can view the changes. Everyone please help me through this.